There are increasingly more and more people on my facebook that have and always putting up status's encouraging friends to 'ask them anything'.
For those of you that don't know what is, its kind of like twitter but instead of lots status updates people ask you questions and you answer the ones you want to. Basically like a constant interview. The interesting part is that the person asking the questions is anonymous. Ah-ha! Stalkers paradise.
This makes me a little uneasy...lovely people I know have been asked nasty questions or just been given a point blank nasty statement about their lifestyle. Of course nobody has to see that unless they decide to answer. The people I know have bravely decided to answer these prying cowards protected my anonymity. Maybe to put rumours to rest or simply just answer the question, these reasons I don't know.
Now I assume the Formspring people only 'advertise' for people to ask questions about them on facebook and maybe I am beng naive but again assuming all the people you are 'friends' with on facebook would be nice to you then wouldn't it make you wonder who the hell these nasty people are? And also start to wonder who else is thinking the same thing. I mean they probably have had a bitch about it with their mates...and are their mates friends of yours too? For me this could possibly open up a whole new chapter of insecurities...I know we are not suppose to care what people think but deep down no matter how secure I think we all do a little. And we have all done silly things in the past and I have had my fair share and wouldn't want these possibly being brought back up.
I have seen some bloggers do it too, which I can understand. People want to know where they source their information and learn more about their favourite bloggers. I am not sure if any celebs are doing it but I am sure their PR agents will be getting them to do it soon enough.
I thought about doing one for this blog but then then its everybody's game to get the nasties in. Maybe I am being pessimistic or maybe I don't want to know what some idiots might think. Whatever it is I do like it for my own nosy ways. I have yet to ask questions, I just like seeing and being surprised and sometimes shocked at what people ask. I am very curious to see what I would get asked but as for making one myself? EH NAW!